Bojoko helps you choose online gambling sites. Here, you'll find hundreds of online casinos and dozens of booker sites. Each month, tens of thousands of players just like you use our site to find a perfect place to play.
We build tools to highlight the differences between casinos and make your choice easier. You can compare bonuses, game selection and banking methods at a glance.
In addition, we've hired experienced players to test the sites with real money, verify the withdrawals and share their honest experiences in the casino reviews.
Besides casinos, you'll find thousands of online slots on Bojoko. They've also been tested by experts so you'll know what to expect.
Affiliate disclosure:
Bojoko is an affiliation website. We don't offer casino games ourselves. Instead, we help you find a place to play. When you go to a casino via our site and play there, we receive compensation.
Affiliation is a very common online marketing method. Some of the biggest travel websites, like and, are affiliates. Many leading online retailers have affiliate programs to bring them customers. The same model is also used in the online gambling industry.
Being an affiliate doesn't mean you can't trust a website. Our team has decades of experience in online gambling, and we are open about how we make money. Below, we tell you more about our way of building a trustworthy gambling affiliate website.
Meet the Team
There are real people working at Bojoko. We take pride in what we do and publish everything with our own names and faces.
There are over 15 people working for Bojoko, and our team is growing slowly but steadily.
Check out our CAREERS page for open positions at Bojoko
About the Firm
Bojoko is owned by North Star Network S.A.S.
In the Media section, you can find links to publications where you can get to know Bojoko and some of our team members. We also recommend checking out the Founders' Story to learn how all this started.
If you want to contact us, here are the details:
Company name: North Star Network S.A.S.
Company Registration Number: 833840150
Address: 45 Rue Jean Jaurès 4th floor – 92300 – Levallois Perret, France
Below, you'll find the milestones of our company thus far:
Feb '25
⭐ North Star Network S.A.S. acquires Bojoko
Jun '24
🏆 Best iGaming Technology & Media Provider of the Year, MiGEA Awards
Dec '23
📦 The office moves to Naxxar
Dec '23
🏆 Affiliate IDOL of the Year, the IDOL Awards by
Mar '23
🎉 Bojoko launches UK bingo vertical
Jun '22
🏆 Malta's Best Affiliate Company of the Year, MiGEA Awards
May '22
🏆 Innovation in Marketing award, CasinoBeats Game Developers Awards
Jan '22
⚽ Bojoko launches UK betting vertical
Mar '21
🏆 Best iGaming Technology & Media Provider of the Year, MiGEA Awards
Jan '21
🏆 Affiliate of the Year, EGR Nordics Awards
Nov '20
🏆 Casino Affiliate of the Year, EGR Operator Awards
Apr '20
📝 First casino expert reviews published
Feb '19
⭐ 3 nominations in IGB Affiliate Awards
Aug '18
⭐ Over 250 operators listed on Bojoko
Mar '18
⭐ XL Media buys our FI-facing affiliate sites
Feb '18
✈️ Company trip to the Dominican Republic
Dec '17
🏢 New office in Gzira
Oct '17
🎉 Bojoko is launched
Apr '17
📙 Final plans for Bojoko
Dec '16
⭐ Good Game team at 10 people
Dec '16
⚽ Launch of an FI eSports affiliate site eUrheilu
Mar '16
⭐ Launch of an FI casino affiliate site Nettikasinot
Jan '16
🎉 Good Game hires its first actual employee
Apr '15
⭐ Building FI sports affiliate site Veikkausbonukset
Jan '14
⭐ Good Game focuses on casino content only
Jan '13
⭐ Building our site with a stronger focus on SEO
Jun '12
⭐ Adding casino and betting content to our first website
Dec '11
🎉 First Good Game affiliate website launched
Sep '11
🎉 Good Game is established
Founders' Story
This is a story about how Good Game and, later, Bojoko got started.
Good Game Ltd was established by me (Toni Halonen) and Ville Sissonen in Malta in 2011. Ville and I have known each other since we were kids. We are second cousins and were born in a small town in East Finland called Ilomantsi. As kids, we used to play all kinds of sports together in the same teams. Whenever we weren't at school or playing ice hockey, floorball, football, Finnish baseball, etc., we were playing hours of Monopoly or Magic the Gathering and computer games.
So, games have always been in our lives since we were kids. However, having a profession from the games didn't really occur to us until we were in our mid-twenties, the schools were over and we absolutely had to think about work-life. I had some ideas about starting something of my own and I worked a bit for my brother's online store, but these were nothing serious. It was too comfortable and easy to just study and not to worry about what you want to do with your life until you actually have to do something with it.
That moment came in 2008 after my graduation from university. I was spending that summer as Ville's flatmate and we were bouncing ideas of starting our own poker website. It took two years from that to actually have our first own site up and running.
The site was The name came from Ville's poker nickname and we did almost everything wrong with that site. :) But you have to start from somewhere, right?
Our passwords for affiliate programs were along the lines of "BuyMercedes2012" and our half-joke motto was "maximisation of passive income". :) The site didn't exactly run passively and we were nowhere near in maximising our income.
I remember once telling about Spungershow to my university colleague who was at that time already a successful entrepreneur in Finland. Normal small talk on Facebook finished immediately when I mentioned the site. Not a single message from him since. :D
I am telling you about this colleague so that you would understand how it all started from the bottom of the pit. How almost naive it was to dream about fancy cars and passive income without practically any know-how how to actually achieve it. We just worked hard, learned new tricks and got lucky while grinding day in, day out.
Nevertheless, Spungershow cost us 150€ to launch and it paid our rent in Malta where we moved in February 2011.
We saved pretty much everything that was left after the rent payments and invested the money to our next site which was launched in November 2011. At this time Good Game was already registered in Malta and the company was two months old.
This time around the site was supposed to be an international poker site, but soon we were adding sports betting and casino to the mix, as well. The project wasn't a huge success and eventually, we sold our poker player base to a Finnish competitor at the end of 2012 when Ville started working for them. The site was kept alive by me updating it every once in a while without a specific goal of where to take it.
In summer 2013 through Ville's colleague, we met Jussi Kauppinen. After meeting a couple of times, we decided to start building sites together. Jussi knew a lot more about SEO and how to make money online than us, so in the beginning, we pretty much did what he had in mind.
This is pretty much the only crisp picture of Jussi, Ville and me (we are in this order from the left) together. It's taken in my wedding in December 2018. The rest of the group consist of fellow Good Gamers. At the top right next to me is Eppu, Jussi V, Elmeri and Maria. Toni S and Ilkka below.
So, even though it were I and Ville who registered Good Game in 2011, the Good Game which is up and running today only started when Jussi joined the company and therefore he's one of the co-founders, as well.
The 2011 launched website was still up at this time and with Jussi, we revamped it and started focusing only on casino affiliation. So, sports betting content had to go and thanks for Jussi for the first time we actually started having an SEO strategy in place.
During the first couple of months, we tried with one small exact-match domain as well but quickly abandoned that idea. The way we did things was just easier to accommodate building one great site at a time. I think this is true for most companies. Focus is the key.
The first year or so was pretty slow with the traffic. It took 1.5 years to get 50 new depositing players to casinos during one month. It wasn't great, but then again none of us, I, Ville or Jussi, was working full time for the site and we didn't have any developer or designer in the house yet.
I quit playing poker completely in December 2014 and started working full-time for our site. I took care of the content creation and website updates, Jussi handled the SEO and wrote content and Ville negotiated our deals with the casinos. We had different strengths with slightly different personalities, so it was a good mix for a team. We compensated each other's weaknesses and didn't have major fights ever. What we had in common was the will to win, succeed with our own company and make some good money.
In May 2015 we saw the first really good results and it only fueled our enthusiasm. We knew that whatever we were doing was working. People say that you learn from your mistakes. That's true, but you learn the most from the things you actually do the right way.
It's a strange feeling when you see the first users using your site and finding it valuable. "This actually works." :) It's even odder when everything happens online and you don't necessarily have any contact with your users.
That summer 2015 we saw steady growth in our site's traffic and I think it was August when Ville got a call from his old friend telling him that someone would like to buy our website.
That someone was Catena Media and Erik Bergman who were building up their muscles for their Spring 2016 IPO. It wasn't Catena though who called and made the first contact, but Ville's and Jussi's old colleague and friend, Martin Franke von Zweigbergk. He's well known from all kinds of different projects and not just in iGaming. Now he's running the successful Cash Game Festival.
Franke acted as a middleman between us and Catena and the three of us spent time with him before and after the deal. He is a character and fun to be around and he played a role in sealing the deal with Catena without hiccups.
At the same time as we were planning on selling our current website, we were spending all we had in the bank at that moment to a Finnish casino domain. It was the best domain name for a casino site in Finland and we knew that it would be a gold mine in our hands.
We were able to buy that domain and maybe a week or two later we had negotiated a deal with Catena. It was a 7-figures deal and pocketing it felt so damn good. For the first time in our adult life, we didn't have to worry about money anymore. Well, at least for a couple of months we didn't.
Since we now had that great domain, we pretty much invested all we had from the Catena deal to this new project. We launched the new site a month after finishing the hand over period with Catena in April 2016.
We grew up a lot as a company during the 6-month hand over period. Good Game moved to an office for the first time, started employing people and started having things like budgeting and weekly meetings for the first time as well.
I and Jussi at our first office when us three were the only employees of Good Game. Let the grinding begin. Photo credits go to Ville.
It all went pretty painlessly when moving from the hobby leagues to professional life. Most of it was because Ville, Jussi, our CFO, John Farrugia, and our CTO, Toni Saloranta, had experience from big iGaming companies and running teams in them. Plus, we were very lucky with our hiring and managed to get many talented individuals to work with us. We built an exceptional team around them and the core of it has stayed the same for the most part since 2016-17.
One of the biggest reasons for good employee retention has been our 6-hour workdays. I think it was Jussi who came up with this idea he had seen tried out in Sweden. 6-hour workdays fit well for an affiliate company where the work is highly creative and the business model is based on somewhat passive income. Like many times when faced with these kinds of big decisions, we didn't really ponder it long. We decided to just try it out because, with a gut feeling, it felt like a good decision.
The beginning of 2016 saw our first full-time employee start at Good Game. Employee number 1 is our CTO, Toni Saloranta and he is still with us. Same time as we were offloading our old casino site to Catena, we were building a new one with Toni. Alongside this casino site, we were also running a sports betting website in Finland which we launched in May 2015.
With the casino site, we knew what we were doing, but the sports betting took quite a long time to figure out. In casinos, we saw the first promising results only after a couple of months, and we started being one of the top sites in Finland after 8-9 months. After that, we saw a steady increase in results month after month and it may have even felt too easy sometimes. At least it felt easy when we compared casinos to sports betting where we tried many different things before finding success.
The idea of Bojoko came to me for the first time in the Autumn of 2016. Ville, Jussi and I had been talking about launching an international site at some point. Unlike with our previous sites which were in Finnish and concentrated on one gambling product, I wanted it to have no limits of where it could go. There had to be a chance, however slim it would be, that if we were successful, we could take it to the moon.
So, if the site was "limitless", the name shouldn't restrict it in any way. I started searching for translations to "good game" online. I didn't really know what I was looking for exactly. I just had a hunch that there could be two words in some languages that would make "good" and "game" put together sound nice. I didn't expect these words to come from a country where I had lived and am very fond of.
I was using this website which translates words into multiple languages simultaneously. And there were the words, "bo" and "joko", each on a different tab of a browser. I thought, "that sounds good" and looked more carefully at the languages these words were from.
Both of them happened to be from Spain where I have lived on two occasions. "Bo" is Catalan and Galician and means "good", "wholesome", "fruitful". "Joko" is Basque and means "game".
And that's why this website is called Bojoko.
This is the team which kicked off Bojoko in November 2017. From the left, Maria, Lauri, Ilkka, Toni H, Toni S, Jussi, Teemu, Joonas, Aleksi, Esa and Tuomas. Missing from the picture: John, Jussi V and Eppu. You can see the capital of Malta, Valletta, in the background.
In the early summer of 2017, our main casino site was in the Top2-3 sites in Finland. It became difficult to climb any higher, so we started talking about selling the site once again. This time it was us who initiated the first contact.
Ville contacted a few different affiliate companies which we thought could buy a site worth of over 10 million euros. One or two were genuinely interested in what we had to offer, but there was at least one company who used the opportunity to just get information about the Finnish affiliate market. That's part of the game and something you need to be prepared when offering to sell your asset.
Summer 2017 went by and those couple of approaches we made didn't lead to anything solid. We thought that we wouldn't be selling our site that year after all. And then in October, we heard from Ville's contact that XL Media could be interested in acquiring the site.
We met with XL Media shortly after. Our contact from their side was David Levy. David is a great guy and we hung out with him in Malta and Tel Aviv and it wasn't just hardcore negotiations all the time with him.
The deal-making took quite a long time this time and Ville and David were responsible for most of it. Everything went through in good spirits without any bigger back-and-forths in singular issues.
We shook hands and signed the contract in January 2018 and said farewell to our flagship site in March with "set for life" money in our bank accounts. It was one of the biggest acquisitions for an iGaming affiliate site to that day and definitely the biggest one for a Finnish site.
After the sale, we made a company trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We worked a little and relaxed a lot on boat trips, by playing beach volleyball and golf and sophistically tasting the local rums and cigars. Life was good.
Beach volleyball Bojoko vs. Good Game in Punta Cana in February 2018.
Rum Diaries Punta Cana 2018
Around that time in March 2018, Bojoko was four months old. However, the first ideas were laid out already in Autumn 2016, the first designs were drawn up in April/May 2017 and the site was launched 1.11.2017. It has been educational 1.5 years in the UK so far. Since it's a new market for us, we have had to learn new things in marketing, user intent, website building and so on. I think after working for almost three years now on Bojoko, it finally seems to be taking solid steps as a very good affiliate website.
You could describe Bojoko as your best friend who knows all about online casinos and loves to help you to get on board, too. Our mission is to make the consumption of online gambling as frictionless as possible. Users can read detailed reviews written by our in-house experts and also filter websites based on any desired criteria. Bojoko truly makes casino selection as easy as possible.
Our writers have years of experience in online gaming, and they test sites first-hand to get a full picture of sites' plusses and minuses. The sites are rated with well-thought criteria, so ratings can easily be compared.
There are still a lot of things we want to bring to Bojoko, but I think the fundamentals are pretty much on the site now. Next, we might want to expand to new markets or verticals and upgrade, improve, refine and tweak the existing features.
We surely have the team capable of delivering a great product and all we basically need is time to build a site which will eventually land on the moon. You should follow our story to see how we are succeeding in the upcoming moon landing.
Why Trust Us?
One Site Approach
Bojoko is the only website we operate. Unlike so many others, we're not building a network of similar sites, each targeting slightly different keywords.
Instead, we put everything we got into making one great site. We make choosing gambling sites easier. In addition to coming up with new ways to do this, we also polish our existing features.
This has clearly worked. In the Awards section, you'll find all the nominations and industry awards we've scooped up after our 2017 launch.
Bojoko is focused on transparency. We've hired experienced players and gambling professionals to review the sites listed on Bojoko, and verify the withdrawals with real money.
These honest reviews are stripped of all marketing hype. Instead, we ask the experts to test each casino with real money and report what they see. So in addition to great sites that get 5/5 on every front, there are also some 1 star casinos. That's entirely based on the experience of our experts and the Rating guidelines. There is no "who pays the most gets the best reviews" bias.
Only Licensed Casinos
We only list licensed casinos on Bojoko. We screen the new sites carefully before they are listed and monitor their behaviour during the partnership.
We follow the regulations of the jurisdictions we operate in. In the UK, this means closely following the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) and UKGC (UK Gambling Commission) guidelines to be fully compliant with the UK gambling advertising rules and regulations.
Bojoko Is an Advocate of Safe Gambling
We believe in safe gambling. We believe that safety is an important part of the user experience. In the long run, it's more important than promotions, easy money transfers or game selection.
For us, safety and reliability are not marketing gimmicks. We want gambling to be a socially acceptable form of entertainment. That's why we see enormous value in the operators and platform providers introducing innovative, proactive safe gambling solutions that help players stay in control.
To highlight this value directly to the players, we've added a safe gambling section to the casino reviews as well. Here you can see what steps each site has taken to make your experience as safe as possible. From information to responsible gambling tools, casinos can do a lot to help their customers.
We have also partnered with organisations like Safer Gambling Week and Gamban. They help us educate players on safe gambling and offer concrete tools.
In addition, we continue bringing out the safe gambling themes in the industry publications and invite other affiliates to highlight safe and responsible gambling in their marketing.
Bojoko means "good game". It's a combination of three Spanish dialects:
/bo/ - Catalan and Galician for "good", "wholesome", "fruitful"
/joko/ - Basque for "game"
Bojoko takes its name from its founder company, Good Game. When the founder company was established in 2011, both of the original founders played poker for a living. In poker, it is common to cheer and encourage other players by saying "good game" (or "gg") after a well-played session. It was a perfect name for a gambling company.
We try to bring that good gaming spirit into everything we do and build a great website for the players, by the players.
Bojoko's Mission
Bojoko's mission is to help you choose online gambling sites.
We focus on making online gambling more fluid and taking out all the unnecessary friction and uncertainty. In practice, this means:
Testing the sites and their withdrawal process with real money
Focusing on usability and scannability on our site
Showing only highly relevant, licensed brands on our tailored lists
We keep improving the features and will bring more of them to the site in the future, so stay tuned.
Bojoko in Media
Bojoko has been showcased and mentioned in many iGaming publications and also outside our industry. Below, you can see some of them:
Awards and Nominations
Only after a year from the launch, Bojoko was shortlisted in three categories at the prestigious iGB Affiliate Awards. After that, we've become one of the household names on both the nominee and winner lists of many gambling industry awards.
When it comes to categories, Bojoko has made its mark especially in compliance and innovation. In addition, we've often been nominated and awarded as the best affiliate.
Below, you can take a closer look at our trophy room:
Best igaming technology & media provider of the year
Affiliate company of the year
Malta's Best Affiliate Company of the Year
Best igaming technology and media provider of the year
Social responsibility of the year
Affiliate of the Year
Affiliate of the Year
Rising Star
Casino affiliate
Commitment to compliance
Affiliate of the Year
Best casino affiliate
Rising Star
Best affiliate website: Casino
Best innovation
Best casino affiliate
Best casino affiliate
Best affiliate newcomer
Best innovation
Our Partners
We have partnered with hundreds of online casinos, game providers and platforms. Among them are some of the most trusted names in the gambling industry:
In 1997 established 888 is one of the largest online casinos in the World. It has won many prestigious awards for its casino product and its parent company 888 Holdings is publicly listed in London Stock Exchange.
Since it was founded in 2012, Casumo has won multiple industry awards, especially in the best mobile casino and innovation categories. Casumo has also managed to re-invent and redefine its offering in the tightening regulatory environment.
32Red is a multiple award-winning online casino and one of the most popular online casinos in the United Kingdom. It is part of the multinational Kindred Group Plc. and a sponsor of 5 different English Championship football teams.
In 2011 established Videoslots is the largest online casino by the number of casino games. Videoslots is licensed by the Malta, Sweden and UK gaming authorities and can boast with multiple award winnings and innovative casino player features.
Partner Testimonials
NoLimit City
Nolimit City is a fresh, innovative game studio specialising mobile friendly slots. Original themes, cool graphics and creative special features guarantee these games stand out from the crowd. Above the average RTP also means players keep coming back for more.
The team behind Bojoko have come up with a fresh an innovative approach towards beating the traditional casino info page to offering so much more.
We were thrilled to be the first featured supplier on their provider segment seeing as it's such an open approach of doing business. We can't wait to see what they come up with next!
Malcolm Mizzi Director, Commercial Operations - Nolimit City
MrQ is one of the most popular new online casinos in the UK. Through its proprietary award-winning casino platform MrQ is able to offer a seamless and player-friendly gaming experience.
Bojoko has set the standard for other online gambling affiliates to follow since it launched at the end of 2017 and is one of the most innovative and forward-thinking publishers in the sector.
It is the only online gambling affiliate that allows operators to upload their own listing, which is the way forwards in this new age of compliance.
James Booth - MrQ Bingo and Slots
In 1997 established 888 is one of the largest online casinos in the World. It has won many prestigious awards for its casino product and its parent company 888 Holdings is publicly listed in London Stock Exchange.
Bojoko has re-written the rulebook for what it means to be an online gambling affiliate. They are reputable, transparent, honest and, above all else, the very best at what they do.
The team has built a powerful brand that players trust and return to time and time again to learn more about online casinos and find the best casinos to play at based on their preferences.
Shay Shaham - 888casino
Unibet is one of the largest online gambling websites and casinos. It has over 11 million customers in over 100 countries and employs over 1400 employees. Unibet was founded in 1997 and its parent company Kindred Group Plc. is publicly listed in Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange.
Bojoko has completely changed the online casino affiliate sector since it launched in 2017. It is the first-time online casino operators can take control of the content that is published on their behalf, and to be reviewed and rated by an active community of online casino players and fans.
The site is entirely unique from the way that it has been designed and laid out, to the way it acquires and retains players via the highly professional and talented team that operate Bojoko day in day out.
Marke Räsänen - Unibet
List Your Casino, Bingo Page or Betting Site on Bojoko
To get listed on Bojoko, contact us and we'll take it from there.
Getting your site listed is quick and easy, and always completely free.
Here's why you should add your casino on Bojoko:
Getting your casino, bingo site or betting site listed on Bojoko is super easy. We'll create the listing and have one of our casino experts test your site. This way, the players know exactly what to expect.
With your site listed and reviewed on Bojoko, new players can find it more easily and discover what you have to offer.
The process is simple, just contact us, let us know about your brand and we'll do the rest.
Highly valuable SEO traffic plays a major role in Bojoko's traffic sources. In addition to organic search engine traffic, we drive visitors to our site from a diverse array of sources. True to our spirit of good gaming, we actively follow gambling regulation best practices on what constitutes legitimate traffic flows.
Here at Bojoko, all our users are fans of online casinos. Unlike other marketing strategies, you won't be cold-calling random people nor will you be catering just to fans of your brand. We attract players with a high potential for conversion and retention.
The gaming industry evolves constantly and your brand is no exception. If your logos, promotions, T&Cs, banking methods, game suppliers or any other vital information change, ping us. We'll take care of the rest and make sure your listing is always up to date.
How To List a Game Supplier?
To get your game supplier listed on Bojoko, all you need to do is contact us and we'll do the rest.
By getting your company listed on Bojoko, you'll help players and operators discover your product directly. In addition, you'll get valuable feedback from our experts. Bojoko is free and always will be.
Compliance with safe gambling regulations from your licensing body also plays a part. You can put your compliance efforts into full effect on Bojoko. We've built the design and functionality of the site to fully respect and promote the latest regulation focused on responsible gambling.
Bojoko awards suppliers who build trust in their players, grow their fanbase ethically and constantly strive to change the iGaming industry for the better.
Bojoko's Press Releases
You may follow the latest news about Bojoko at MyNewsDesk.
Career Opportunities at Bojoko
We're looking for talented professionals with a "can-do" attitude and drive for self-improvement.
We're especially keen on hearing from skilful web developers, graphic designers and content creators.
You'll find our current vacancies and freelance opportunities on our Careers page. You can also send an open application with your CV to
North Star Network S.A.S. and Bojoko own all the copyrights to all content, including texts, data, code (unless otherwise specified), images and icons on the website.